66929 > OSMANIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY * *"* * / ^ * 7 Accession No. This book should lie returned, on or before the date * * last marked bekv. THE INDIAN CONTRIBUTION TO ENGLISH LITERATURE Edited by K. R. SRINIVASA IYENGAR Congreve's The Way of the World. (Karnatak Publishing House, Bombay. Rs. ///2.) Dryden's Absalom and Acbitophel (Karnatak Publishing House, Bombay. Rs. 1/8.) OPINIONS : " . . . . the exceedingly good edition of Dryden's famous poem, Absalom and Achitophel, edited by Dr. K. R. Srinivasa lyengar, with a biographical and critical introduction and comprehensive, elucida- tive notes. The same learned scholar has edited, for the same series, Congreve's masterpiece, The Way of the Wo Id ; this edition is marked by all the apparatus which was characteristic of Professor lyengar's earlier work, the edition of Dryden's famous satire." The Hittdusthan Renew. " You have done a great service in publishing these works in such a nice form.*' Prof. H. C. PAPWORTH, I.E.S. (Retired), Trarattforc Umrers/ty. "Your edition of Congreve's The Way of the World . It is indeed a very fine edition with an illuminating Introduction and lucid notes and very helpful appendices. Every page of its contents reveals your scholarship and industry." Prof. T. M. ADVANI, Dean of the Faculty of Art*, D. f. Sind College, Karachi.
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