Title |
Aesthetica |
Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities |
American Literature |
Ariel |
Australian Literary Studies |
Callaloo |
Canadian Literature |
Comparative Literature |
Comparative Literature Studies |
Critical Inquiry |
Critical Quarterly |
Cultural Studies |
Cultural Trends |
Diacritics |
Drama Review (TDR) |
Eighteenth Century Studies |
ELH: Journal of English Literary History |
English: The Journal of the English Association |
English Association Newsletter |
English Today |
Essays in Criticism |
Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction |
Granta |
Genre |
Interventions |
Journal of Caribbean Literatures |
Journal of Caribbean Studies |
Journal of Commonwealth Literature |
Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism |
Journal of Linguistics |
Journal of Narrative Theory |
Journal of Victorian Culture |
Journal of West Indian Literature |
Kunapipi |
Mississippi Quarterly |
Modern Drama |
Modern Fiction Studies |
New Formations |
New Literary History |
New Theatre Quarterly |
New writing: the international journal for the practice and theory of creative writing |
Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film |
Novel |
October |
Oxford Literary Review |
Paragraph |
PN Review |
Poetics Today |
Poetry London |
Poetry Review |
Renaissance Drama |
Research in African Literatures |
Review of English Studies |
Science Fiction Studies |
Seventeenth Century News |
Shakespeare Quarterly |
Social Text |
Soundings |
Stand |
Studies in the Novel |
TDR: The Drama Review |
Thamyris |
Theatre Journal |
Theatre Notebook |
Times Literary Supplement |
Victorian Literature and Culture |
Victorian Studies |
Wasafiri |
Women's Writing |