Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli, B.A. English Literature. IV Semester Syllabus

 Semester IV
Core VI
Romantic Age
Objective :
1. Understanding texts with special reference to the periods.
2. Interpretation and appreciation of selected texts from the genres of poetry,prose and Drama.
Unit I             
The Age of Wordsworth (1798 – 1832)
The Older Poets
The Younger Poets
General Prose
The Novel
Text : Hudson : History of English Literature
Unit II Poetry
Wordsworth - Ode on Intimations of Immortality
Coleridge - Christabel
Unit III Poetry
Keats - Ode on a Grecian Urn, Eve of St. Agnes
Shelley - Ode to the West Wind
Byron - The Prisoner of Chillon
Unit IV Prose
Charles Lamb: Dream Children Poor Relations
Hazlittt Indian Jugglers
Unit V Fiction
Jane Austen Emma

Allied Paper IV
Literary Critics
Unit I
Unit II
Philip Sidney
Ben Jonson
Unit III
Dr. Johnson
Unit IV
William Wordsworth
S.T. Coleridge
Unit V
Matthew Arnold
T.S. Eliot
Text: An Introduction to English Criticism by B. Prasad

Skill-based Subject Effective communication
General Objective:
The paper aims to fulfill the long felt need to help the undergraduate students, whoshare a common dream of achieving career success to improve their communicativecompetence in English both in speaking and writing, by providing them with down-toearthsensible and stimulating guidance.
Specific Objectives:
The course will enable the students to
1. Carry on conversation in different communication contexts such as face to facecommunication, telephonic communication, viva voce interview etc.,
2. Participate actively in group discussions and exchange ideas or attempt to reach adecision on shared problems.
3. Improve their ability to read fast with better understanding.
4. Express themselves clearly and concisely using tight words in right places as they willbe enabled to add new words to their present vocabulary. (Words, Phrases andidioms)
5. Prepare well-organized curriculum vitae (resume/bio-data) Project report, long essay,and term paper.
6. Prepare effectively formal and informal letters applications, memos, Emails andfaxes.
II. The Structure of the paper
The paper consists of the following five units
Unit I : Listening
Unit II : Speaking
Unit III: Reading
Unit IV: Writing
Unit V: Vocabulary Building
III Methods
All four skills – listening, speaking, reading, writing are developed through a widerangingtasks.
Unit I: Listening
Listening to audio and video tapes of conversations and speeches, announcementsinstructions and making notes.
Unit II: Speaking
Using correct expressions in given situations/contexts.
Role-play, narration of jokes, commentary on (Important) events, festivals andmatches, conducting quizzes, Introducing VIPs and welcoming an audience,proposing vote of thanks, compeering college functions or youth festivals, sportsevents, miming radio/TV announcements making simple advertisements, conductinginterviews, presenting reports, group discussion.
Unit III: Reading
• Providing exercises to test the students’ ability to read and comprehend.
• Tasks or passages to improve the students average reading speed. Extensive readersmaybe included
• Passages of different types – narrative, descriptive and explorative, may be used asclass room materials to train students in different types of reading
Unit IV Writing
• Tasks, assignments, exercises on various current topics may be provided
• Report writing, preparing agenda and writing minutes for meetings effective use of
SMS, applying for job, resume and effective profiling
• Emergency communication through print and Electronic media.
Unit V Vocabulary
Traditional and innovative tasks may be devised
Text: Effective Communication by Dr. R. BabuSivarajaKirubanithi, Dr. A.Nihamathullah, Dr. C. Rajeswari. A Publication of Manonmaniam SundaranarUniversity

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