Manonmaniam Sundaranar University I and II semester PG




(Effective from the academic year 2012 -2013)

1. Objectives
   The P.G. Course in English Literature and Language aims to equip students with an indepth knowledge of a wide spectrum of genres and writers to help them acquire communicative skills and a global perspective of English Language to enable them to understand the multicultural context of English language and literature
2. Conditions for Admission
A candidate who has passed B.A. Degree Examination of M.S. University with Branch XII English as the Main subject of study A graduate in B.A or B.Sc with Part II English A candidate who has acquired any other Bachelor Degree of this university or any other university accepted by the Syndicate as equivalent thereto shall be permitted to appear and qualify for M.A Degree Examination of this university in English in the affliated colleges of this university.
3. Eligibility for the award of the Degree
A candidate shall be eligible for the award of the degree only if he/she has undergone the prescribed course of study for a period of not less than two academic years and passed the examinations of all the four semesters prescribed, earning 90 credits.
4. Duration of the Course
The duration of the course is for two academic years consisting of four semesters each semester consisting of 90 working days. The course of study shall comprise instruction in the following subjects according to the syllabus and books prescribed from time to time.
I Semester
Core Subjects: Hrs Credits
1. British Literature - Paper I 6 4
2. British Literature - Paper II 6 4
3. Indian Writing in English - Paper I 6 4
4. American Literature 6 4
5. Mass Communication (Elective I) 6 5
Total (5 courses) 30 21
II Semester
Core Subjects: Hrs Credits
1. British Literature - Paper III 6 5
2. British Literature - Paper IV 6 5
3. Indian Writing in English - Paper II 6 5
4. Critical Theory - Paper I 6 5
5. Developing Communication Skills (Elective II) 6 4
Total (5 courses) 30 24
5. Examinations:
The examinations shall be of 3 hours duration for each paper at the end of each
semester. The candidate failing in any subject will be permitted to appear for each
failed subject in the subsequent examinations.
6. Scheme of Examinations:
Each paper contains an internal component. There is a pass minimum of 50%
for external and overall components. The External Examination is for 75 marks and the
Internal Assessment carries 25 marks. The Examination paper consists of three
sections- the first consisting of 5 questions each of 2 marks each; the second 5
questions of 5 marks each and the third 5 questions of 8 marks each with a total of 75
Section A 5 x 2 = 10
Section B 5 x 5 = 25
Section C 5 x 8 = 40
Each question offers an internal choice, set in an ‘either or pattern’. The
questions will cover all 5 units of each paper.
Recommendations of the Core Committee
1. Internal assessment:
Regarding the Internal assessment, the 25 marks is allocated in the following manner:
The Average of the best two tests from three
compulsory Tests
15 Marks
Assignment 04 Marks
Seminar 06 Marks
Total 25 Marks
Note: Each test is of one hour duration.
M. A. English Syllabus
I Semester Hrs Credits
Core Subjects (4T Courses) – British Literature – Paper I 6 4
Unit - I Poetry
Geoffrey Chaucer - The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales:
          The Knight
           The Friar
           The Oxford Clerk
           The Shipman
           The Poor Parson
             Edmund Spenser - The Faerie Queene Book -I
Unit - II Poetry
       Sir Thomas Wyatt - A Renouncing of Love
          Surrey - The Fancy of a Wearied Lover
            Shakespeare - Sonnets No. 6, 11, 55 & 65
Unit - III Prose I
           Bacon - Of Discourse, Of Revenge, Of Ambition & Of Friendship
         The Bible - The Book of Job
Unit - IV Prose II
          Sir Thomas More - Of Their Towns (From The Book Utopia)
          Sir Philip Sidney - Apologie for Poetry
Unit - V Drama
           Christopher Marlowe - Edward II
          Thomas Kyd - The Spanish Tragedy

British Literature – Paper II
Unit - I Poetry - I
Milton - Paradise Lost Book II- Select lines (1- 389)
Pope - The Rape of the Lock
Unit - II Poetry - II
John Donne - Ecstasie
Herbert - Affliction
Marvell - To His Coy Mistress
WilliamCollins - The Passions
William Blake - The Night
Unit - III Prose
Goldsmith - Beau Tibbs & Mrs. Tibbs (The Citizen of the World
Letters XV &XVI)
Swift - A Tale of a Tub
Unit - IV Prose
Joseph Addison - Sir Roger at Home &
A Hunting Scene with Sir Roger
Unit - V Drama

Indian Writing in English – Paper I 
Unit I - Poetry
Henry Louis Vivian Derozio - Sonnet : To The Moon & Poetry
Rabindranath Tagore - Gitanjali Songs-1, 2, 4, 12 & 24
Sarojini Naidu - The Soul’s Prayer & Songs of Radha – The Quest
Toru Dutt - The Lotus & Lakshman
Unit II - Poetry
Sri Aurobindo - Savithri
Unit III - Drama
Rabindranath Tagore - Chitra
Srinivasa Iyengar - Surgeon General’s Prescription
Unit IV - Prose
Rabindranath Tagore - Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
Swami Vivekananda - Chicago Address
Ananda Koomaraswamy - Dance of Shiva
Unit V - Fiction
Kamala Markandeya - Nectar in a Sieve
R.K. Narayan - The Vendor of Sweets
Books for Reference
1. Contemporary Indian Poetry in English, ed. by Saleem Peeradina, Macmillan
2. Indian Poetry in English, ed. by Hari Mohan Prasad, Macmillan Press.

American Literature – Paper I 
Unit - I Poetry
Walt Whitman - When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d
Edgar Allan Poe - The Sleeper
Robert Frost - After Apple - Picking
Emily Dickinson - Some keep the Sabbath going to Church
Unit - II Poetry
Wallace Stevens - The Emperor of Icecreams & Anecdote of the Jar
Langston Hughes - Harlem Night - Club
E.E Cummings - In Just Spring & The Cambridge Ladies
Sylvia Plath - To Daddy & Mary’s song
Unit - III Prose
Emerson - Self - Reliance
William Faulkner - Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
Unit - IV Drama
Eugene O’Neil - The Emperor Jones
Arthur Miller - All my Sons
Unit - V Fiction
Bernard Malamud - The Assistant
Henry James - The Turn of the Screw
Text books
1. American Literature of the Nineteenth Century - Vol I & Vol II.
2. The Faber Book of Modern American Verse Ed. W.H. Auden.

English for Mass Communication – Elective I 
Unit - I Introduction to writing for Media
What is Media?
What is Mass Communication?
What is Journalism? History of Journalism in India.
Unit - II Writing for Print Media
News Writing-Kinds of News.
Report Writing, How to Review a Book, Novel, Film etc.
Editorial Writing-Newspaper, Journals, Periodicals.
Unit - III Writing for Electronic Media
Writing for Radio- Script Writing, Play Writing.
Writing for TV-Short Films, Documentary, Films, Script for TV Play
Writing for Serials.
TV Interviews.
Unit - IV Advertisement-Writing for Print/Electronic Media.
What is Advertisement?
Kinds of Advertisements.
Copy Writing-Theory & Pratice.
Selected List of Journalistic Jargons (List will be provided).
Unit - V e-writing
What is e-Writing?
e-Journal Writing?
What is a Blog?
Creating Blogs on a Variety of Subjects.
Books for Reference:
1. Roy,Barua. Beginners’ Guide to Journalism & Mass Communication.
Pushpak Mahal, New Delhi, 2008. ISBN: 978-81-223-0684-2
2. Thomas, Sunny. Writing for Media. Viscon Books Private Ltd, New Delhi 2008.
ISBN: 81-7094-299-3
II Semester
Core Subjects (4T Courses) – British Literature – Paper III
Unit - I Poetry
Wordsworth - Tintern Abbey
Coleridge - Ode to Dejection
Keats - Ode on a Grecian Urn
Shelley - The Cloud
Unit - II Poetry
Tennyson - Tithonus
Browning - The Last Ride Together
Arnold - Dover Beach
D.G.Rossetti - A Death-Parting
Unit - III Prose
Charles Lamb - Valentine’s Day, Oxford in the Vacation & A Bachelor’s
Hazlitt - My First Acquaintance with Poets.
On Coffee House Politicians.
Unit - IV Fiction
Jane Austen - Persuasion
Charles Dickens - Great Expectations
Unit V Drama
Bernard Shaw - The Apple Cart

British Literature – Paper IV 
Unit I - Poetry
Hopkins - God’s Grandeur
W.B.Yeats - The Lake Isle of Innis Free
T.S.Eliot - The Hollow Men
W.H.Auden - The Fall of Rome
Unit II - Poetry
Dylan Thomas - Light Breaks where No Sun Shines
Philip Larkin - Ambulances & Church Going
Ted Hughes - The Jaguar & Hawk Roosting
Seamus Heaney - Digging & Bog Oak
Unit III - Prose
E.M.Forster - Does Culture Matter?
George Orwell - The Prevention of Literature
J.B. Priestley - Student Mobs
Bertrand Russell - Can We Afford to Keep Open Minds?
Unit IV - Drama
Samuel Beckett - Waiting for Godot
Harold Pinter - The Caretaker
Unit V - Fiction
Joseph Conrad - Lord Jim
George Orwell - Animal Farm

Indian Writing in English – Paper II 
Unit - I Poetry
A K Ramanujan - Small Scale Reflections upon a Great House
Nissim Ezekiel - In India & Philosophy
R Parthasarathy - Lines for a Photograph & Homecoming
Unit - II Poetry
Kamala Das - A Hot Noon in Malabar
Jayanta Mahapathra - Grass
Meena Alexander - House of Mist
Meena Alexander - Muse-2
K N Daruwalla - Death of a Bird
Gauri Deshpande - The Female of Species
Unit - III Drama
Girish Karnad - The Fire and the Rain
Vijay Tendulkar - Kanyadhan
Unit - IV Fiction
Anita Desai - In Custody
Rohinton Mistry - Family Matters
Unit - V Fiction
Amitav Ghosh - The Shadow Lines
Gita Hariharan - Thousand Faces of Night

Critical Theory – Paper I 
Unit - I
a) Plato - Theory of Imitation
b) Horace - Ars Poetica - Poetic Theory
Unit - II
a) Ben Jonson - Discoveries - Classical Theory
b) Dryden - Preface to the Fables
Unit - III
a) Wordsworth - Poetry and Poetic Diction
b) Coleridge - Biographia Literaria - Chapter XIV
Unit - IV
a) Matthew Arnold - Wordsworth
b) T.S. Eliot - The Metaphysical Poets
Unit - V
a) I.A. Richards - The Four Kinds of Meaning
b) Allen Tate - Tension in Poetry

Developing Communication Skills – Elective II
Unit - I Functional Grammar
Parts of Speech PP.21 - 56
Concord PP.58 - 61
Determiners PP.64 - 70
Tenses PP.73 - 88
Unit - II
Reported Speech PP.89 - 99
Active and Passive Voice PP.100 - 106
Conditionals PP.107 - 112
Modals PP.113 - 126
Unit - III
Common Errors and their Rectification PP.129 - 145
Vocabulary Enrichment PP.149 - 157
Synonyms and Antonyms PP.158 - 171
Prefixes and Suffixes PP.172 - 178
Unit - IV
Composition PP.215 - 226
Types of Essays PP.215 - 226
Mechanics of Writing PP.229 - 250
Unit - V
Creative Writing PP.339 - 353
Text Book
Private Limited, New Delhi. 2011.
Books for Reference
1. English for Effective Writing –eds.S.Ravindranathan & S.Nagarajan.(Emerald
2. Contemporary English Grammar Structures and Composition. David Green,
Macmillan Edition.
3. Easy English Grammar for Indian Learners, Dr. P. Iyadurai, Jones Publications,

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  1. Hi..great job..I appreciate your enthusiasm.I shall tell my students about your Literature Worms...

    1. Thank you sir/madam.. Please tell them about Literature Worms. I believe it will be a very useful guide to prepare for NET and for any reference in English Literature. Your comments are welcome.

  2. this literature worms is awesome...........
    i get explanations for some poetry too....

  3. great job buddy...........

  4. i appreciate your love for literature.
